On the 1st September, 2010 Bill Sayers (Western Sydney Regional Manager) presented Certificates of Attendance for our Career Preparation Course to 20 students from Kingswood High School.
Over a period of 10 weeks Ian, Renee and Stacey from the Penrith DES team presented the Career Preparation Course in Kingswood High School to two classes of students. The program covered interview skills, workplace relations, building a resume and other work related topics. The program ended with some worksite visits and a morning tea to present the students with their certificates of attendance.
Over the 10 week period the DES team built up a great working relationship with the students and teachers and really enjoyed interacting with them. BTPS DES Team look forward to continuing the program in Kingswood High School and rolling this program out to more schools next year.
The response received from students and staff has been very positive with students saying they felt they had brushed up on some very important skills.
As a result of the program there will be approximately 6 students connecting with our DES and TTW programs, which is a great result.