Thursday, September 16, 2010


Over the last 6 months, Break Thru People Solutions have worked alongside Blackbutt Reserve in Newcastle to coordinate a work experience activity for our jobseekers. As well as completing a Statement of Attainment in Certificate II in Horticulture, participants are involved in all aspects of daily operations at the Reserve, which includes landscaping, light construction, and Landcare, as well as assisting the staff of Blackbutt refurbish the animal enclosures:
“We have been re-mulching this area every 6 weeks or so; the mulch breaks down, but eventually a layer builds to high for more topping up, so once a year the material is removed, and then new mulch brought in. The material removed is recycled into gardens - approximately 20 trucks loads”

The Break Thru Crew of 11 jobseekers, 4 Labour Co-Op and 4 Newcastle City Council staff, worked in non-stop shifts to get the job done in one day to minimize the impact on the animals and the running of normal park activities.

Congratulation goes to David Cooper, Project Supervisor and Coordinator of the activity; with his commitment and dedication the activity ‘Greening Newcastle’ has been a great success!